Attaining class consciousness isn't always easy.
And our culture works really hard to keep up sleeping.
Some people have been sleeping for so long, they don't want to get up!
I see this metaphor play out in my own life. My teenage daughter did not want to wake up over Christmas break.
It pains me to see a person sleep the entire day away. Personally, I think noon is a reasonable time to finally open those peepers and get up on break.
My daughter disagrees.
She is so cozy in bed.
She opens her eyes, groggily tells me that she's already up. Gives me sass. Asks me to leave her bedroom.
I linger, put on an outrageously priced CD of Elvis Presley's Greatest Hits that I picked up at Graceland's gift shop. I'm pretty sure it's never been played before. I crank the volume on 70's classic In the Ghetto... Chicago name check.
"Dad! No!"
Eventually I am satisfied that I have annoyed her enough that she won't fall right back to sleep.
I check on her an hour later - fast asleep. Same routine.
Two o'clock, come on this is getting ridiculous.
She can't wake up. Doesn't want to wake up.
She wants to stay in bed and sleep all day.
And I get it!
I think a lot of us feel that way. It's way more appealing to sleep.
But eventually my daughter does wake up... as we all do.
And once you have washed all of the sand out of your eyes and are finally awake - you couldn't go back to sleep even if you tried.
It is the same with class consciousness.
It can be very difficult to wake up - or rouse another person into class consciousness. Sometimes it takes a person a long time to come around. They may even tell you they're awake, then promptly go right back to sleep.
It happens.
Don't lose hope.
Eventually everyone else is going to wake up. It's already started happening and it won't stop. Real life is radicalizing people every day.
Every day the shape of the capitalist pyramid scheme clicks into focus for another person.
Every day people are grasping the parasitic nature of the billionaire class.
Every day more people can see how capitalism benefits the wealthy few at our expense - the people who work, the people who survive on our paychecks.
Every day more people realize - it doesn't have to be this way.
By attaining class consciousness on a mass scale you build the army of the revolution.
A metaphorical army. An army of the mind. Because revolution is a mental shift. Revolution is when people reject the legitimacy of the status quo on a mass scale. And every day another person wakes up to class consciousness brings us closer to the reckoning that will free American workers from their oppression. Class consciousness can free us from the system of wage slavery. Class consciousness empowers us.
And one by one we will join together into a massive web that can swallow anything - reshape anything.
And that is how the 90 to heck 99 percent of this country unites and takes control away from the billionaire and millionaire classes that have been bleeding us dry.
My other daughter is an early riser. On the first day of Christmas break she walked thru the house at 8AM standing outside everyone's bedroom door shouting "1-2-3 WAKE UP!!!"
It's pretty hard to sleep through something like that, so I'll try it.
1-2-3 Wake UP!!
Class consciousness is the key to our deliverance. Spread the good word.
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