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Crush Cynicism, Cultivate Hope

Can you ever achieve what seems impossible if you agree it is impossible?

Nothing Matters, We’re all dead anyway.

Our cynical attitude about our ability to change anything hurts us.

Hope is warranted.

Hope is what you need to succeed.

Are you ever going to achieve what seems impossible if you agree it is impossible? 

If you believe that any action you take is going to fail, why would you take any action at all?

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Hope is the antidote.

You need to hope that you can win… because you can win.

Because when you have a 70 or 80 or 90 percent majority you can get whatever you want. 

And the rich have always known this.

If you look back at how the sainted founders talked at the constitutional convention, there’s no mistaking it. They knew the stakes. They rigged the game in their own favor as property holders. It’s not hard to see. Check out Charles Beard’s Economic Interpretation of the Constitution if you don’t believe me. 

And if you are upset by what the Supreme Court has been doing lately these same biases stretch in a pretty straight line all the way back. 

Our country is run by and for business… and business owners. That’s an overriding goal going back to the beginning. The Supreme Court is nakedly pushing our country into an even greater capitalist utopia at our expense.

So what do you do with that knowledge? 

You advocate for a new, people-oriented constitution, for one thing. In my very first TikTok post I made that point.

It just so happens that Thomas Jefferson agreed with me. He believed the constitution needed to be rewritten once a generation to prevent our society from becoming “ever under the regime of their barbarous ancestors.”

People are scared that if we convene another constitutional convention we will end up with an even more authoritarian pro-capitalist system than we already have. But look around guys. We’re already in it. This is already heaven on earth… for the rich. Our government has been ensuring it with every law they’ve passed for the last half century, the last century, the last sesquicentennial, bicentennial… you get the point.

While it is possible to imagine something worse… we should instead imagine something better. 

The good part about having a cynical attitude is you never feel disappointed. Because you never, ever get your hopes up. 

Now reflect on how sad that is.

Think how sorry you should feel for someone so disappointed by life that they can’t even imagine something better for themselves…

Or, God forbid, take any steps to achieve it.

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Actually putting your back into helping yourself and everyone you care about in your life should give you purpose and focus.

You’re saying you wouldn’t fight for everyone you care about? 

If they aren’t worth fighting for, what is?

But you need that little flame of hope in your heart. Hope is what we need. Not cynicism.

Crush cynicism.

Cultivate hope.

Let’s make them pay.

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