Aug 8·edited Aug 8Liked by Scott Bennett

Non-violence is exactly how we, the workers, sabotage the oppressive systems we live under now. Everyone has a role, whether it’s boycotting, community organizing, creating art, volunteering, using buy-nothing groups, gardening, or simply talking to your fellow humans about how things could be better. There IS a better way for each one of us to live, and it starts with the working class waking up and realizing that we can take better care of each other outside the capitalist system.

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Well said! Thank you Melanie.

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Would the French Revolution have been better without the guillotine?

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I’m - child of Chilean refugees and one popular topic in our post dinner “let’s fix the world” chats was the un-willingness of the Allende government to arm the people. I mostly stood on the side of non-violence, however the question always came up. How do we protect ourselves against an opposition that is happy to use violence to stay in power? Is there enough time for organized non-violent pressure to enact change?

We never did solve that one.

Loving your content and thank you!

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