It all seems like Orwells description of a solution to dispose of production without distribution.

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The echo is definitely there.

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Two comments:

I have often thought about the idea that if any police force 'succeeded' in eliminating crime in their region, they the first thing that would happen is they'd all be sacked because the community would say they aren't needed anymore.

So it is in the interests of any police force to find more crimes to fight against, and when they know who the criminal organisations are, to cooperate with them to 'manage' crime rather than disband the organisations. Hence the Mafia still exists in both Italy and America and still thrives, largely accepted as long as they only kill each other and leave the public out of it.

So to the 'War on Drugs'. The criminal gangs, such as in Mexico, are only interested in selling drugs to their clients - capitalism in action. The police are only interested to be seen to be doing something, with occasional successes for the publicity, but fighting against a tide which requires them to have more resources; more money, bigger arsenals, more money for bribes, etc. But their obvious purpose is to manage the situation rather than solve it, as all the evidence of the last 30-odd years supports.

Secondly, I note that Trump's Project 25 agenda calls for the American military to enter Mexico and solve the drug problem once and for all. Am I the only one that finds this extraordinary?

I think Trump's plan is to send in the military to destroy the drugs cartel's leadership and families, and take control of the drug production. He can make it seem legitimate and capture both production and the marketplace, a typical Trump/oligarch's strategy. Sacklers anyone?

In the process the military can also solve the migrant problems by controlling both sides of the Mexican border, perhaps even driving the control of migrants back to the southern Mexican border with Guatemala and Belize.

Just my thoughts.

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